I've never been one for New Year resolutions, mostly because I don't commit to them for very long so they're kind of pointless to make for me. If you have made a resolution then I hope you are doing well with whatever it is. As all of the "New Year, New Me" posts fade away and people are done reminiscing about 2015 on social media, I begin to think about the year ahead of me. Monday I begin my fourth semester of college that I will be entering as a Junior (yay). Yesterday, my roommates and I toured a potential apartment for next fall. It hit me that this could be a big year for me, or it could just be another mediocre year. Life's what you make it, right? So here it is, here is my plan for the year, or resolutions if you consider them that:
As far as school goes, I'm holding approximately a 3.9 (I think) for a GPA which I am content with and know I have worked hard for. The past two semesters have ended with all A's and one B (an 89 both times). This semester will no doubt be the hardest semester I've had and my goal is a 4.0 for it. Here's a look at the line-up: Genetics, Ecology, Scientific Writing, Spanish for Conversation II, Organic Chemistry II, and Organic Lab. So here's a great semester of college!
Due to my love for travel and that I have a Spanish minor, I have plans to go to Spain for a study abroad chance in June/July. It's still early in the planning stage, but I have gotten the ball rolling and hope to go through with it. If I do go though, I will be in a place called Granada on the southern coast. I will keep y'all updated on that though! Hopefully, I can take other trips around the country this year too though! I would love to go back to NYC or somewhere else.
I can attest for the fact that college can make you fat. It's not always obvious, but gradually your jeans are harder to get into or that shirt is a little tighter than last time. The past couple of months I have really noticed these changes and decided I needed to do something about it. Right after Christmas I started buying more healthy food and snacks and I have been doing better with eating and being active (thanks to my Fitbit from Dad). I can't see much difference right now, but hopefully after a month or so I will see some difference.
This year I turn 20 (I feel old). One of my very best friends will be getting married (congrats Sam and Scot). Some of my friends will graduate. I'll move into a new place with my roommates. Hopefully, I will read a lot more books and see lots of movies. Eat good food and meet new people. Vote in my first presidential election. And so much more that I don't even know about yet.
Last year I grew a lot in my faith. I walked with Jesus more, and felt better in my beliefs. I felt like a better person overall really. I figured out what I wanted and what I needed to do in my call to Christ. In the new year, I hope to be a better Catholic in every way I can. My goal is to go to more days of obligation, go to confession more, and be more active in my church.
These "resolutions" are coming a week late, but better late than never. There are some things I can't plan for, but I'm hoping for a good year with good friends.
NEW! Britt's Reading Corner: I'm going to start suggesting a book that I've read or am reading.
Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All by Paul A. Offit, M.D.
I haven't finished this yet, but what I have read has been so good! I highly suggest it.
Stay classy